by Sara Gregson | Jul 18, 2016 | Gardening & Environment
It was National Meadows Day on 2 July this year – the second time this celebration of meadows at the peak of their gloriousness has taken place. More than 100 events took place across the country, on nature reserves, country parks and other sites, with guided walks,...
by Sara Gregson | Oct 23, 2015 | Gardening & Environment
I saw grass specialist Neil Lucas the other day at the Hertfordshire Group of the Hardy Plant Society talking about the use of grass in gardens in California and Las Vegas. I have never been to the west coast of America, but Neil told us that new houses are still...
by Sara Gregson | Jun 18, 2015 | Gardening & Environment
I was honoured to be asked to contribute to an e-book project collated by the lovely people at Modern Mint, a creative garden design company based in Essex, which also runs a lovely internet shop for gardeners. The idea of Modern Mint owner Darren Lerigo (a...
by Sara Gregson | Jun 8, 2015 | Gardening & Environment
Changing course because a business isn’t profitable, despite everyone working incredibly hard, seems to be a recurring theme in recent posts, and this one is no exception. But once again it is grazing and grassland that have come to the rescue! In the 1980’s and early...
by Sara Gregson | Feb 26, 2015 | Gardening & Environment
Earlier this month I attended a Conservation Grazing conference in Worcestershire, hosted by Natural England, which challenged the concept of set stocking cattle in low numbers, on sensitive sites. This article first appeared in the spring issue of the British...
by Sara Gregson | Dec 23, 2014 | Farming & Food, Gardening & Environment, Sports & Leisure
I have seen some amazing grass this year – on farms, in gardens, in the countryside and in one of the temples of British sport! Here is a snapshot of some of these wonderful grassy places and events… Back in January seed heads of Miscanthus Sinensis Gnome were...