by Sara Gregson | Dec 20, 2016 | Farming & Food
I am so pleased that British Grassland Society director Elaine Jewkes has secured money from the Prince’s Countryside Fund to train farmer mentors, so they can go out and help other farmers gain more from grazing. In the latest issue of Grass and Forage Farmer...
by Sara Gregson | Nov 13, 2015 | Farming & Food
It was great to see Paul Bird the other day, the first New Zealand grassland consultant to set up discussion groups here, and encouraging dairy farmers to stop using feeder wagons and produce more milk from grazed grass. Paul started in 1997. He just happened to be...
by Sara Gregson | May 3, 2015 | Farming & Food
Keeping 880 cows on a grass-based system and milking them once a day, is far more enjoyable and makes more money, than having half the number of cows and milking them three, or even two times a day. So says Gavin Green – and he should know. He, with Lydney Park Estate...
by Sara Gregson | Jan 17, 2014 | Farming & Food
How encouraging to see grassland farming feature so prominently in three articles in a recent issue of Farmers Weekly (20 December). They were in a section dedicated to sustainable livestock production. Sheep on just grass Northumberland sheep farmer Duncan Nellis is...
by Sara Gregson | Nov 15, 2012 | Farming & Food
At a recent workshop run by the Advanced Training Partnership (ATP), which is currently delivering postgraduate distance learning for people working in the agri-food industry (, Dr.Iwan Owen of IBERS gave a great précis of UK grassland farming....