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Visiting farms during the pandemic

Visiting farms during the pandemic

I usually visit many farms each year – to talk to and write about inspiring and innovative grassland farmers. Not so in 2020. I popped down to Cornwall and Devon early in January to do an article on alternative forage crops, and in February met a Dorset dairy farmer...
Restoring the meadows under the sea

Restoring the meadows under the sea

Sky Ocean Rescue (Sky’s campaign to improve ocean health), leading conservation organisation WWF and Swansea University, are undertaking the biggest seagrass restoration project in the UK. They aim to restore 20,000 square metres of the marine plant in west...
When dreams come true

When dreams come true

I have always dreamt of herding cattle from horseback cowboy-style, across wide open spaces, through alpine pastures and along deep, salmon-red rocky canyons, and in and out of winding, rushing rivers.   I loved the western TV series ‘The Virginian’, have ridden...

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