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I am hanging up my Christmas present today: a gorgeous original painting from Lauren Terry of Lauren’s Cows –

‘Gourmet diet’ – three cheeky youngsters doing what they do best – grazing grass

‘Gourmet diet’ – three cheeky youngsters doing what they do best – grazing grass

I stumbled upon this bright and lively bovine collection while messing about on Twitter.

A quick view on the website and twenty minutes later I was the proud owner of ‘Gourmet diet’ – three cheeky youngsters doing what they do best – grazing grass. Looks well managed pasture too – although maybe a tad too short?!

This is Lauren’s first foray into painting. An actor by training, she certainly has an eye for bovine behaviour and movement. Her collection offers many lovely cow faces and well observed cattle-to-cattle interactions – bold colours and amusing titles.

I love many of her other paintings, in particular ‘The boys are back in town,’ ‘How now brown cow’ and ‘Eau de vache’ – reminds me of my black lab who loves rolling around in cow poo!

I have to admit this is not the first cow painting in my house – but it is the first to feature grass so prominently!

Follow Lauren on Twitter @laurenscows

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