by Sara Gregson | Dec 23, 2014 | Farming & Food, Gardening & Environment, Sports & Leisure
I have seen some amazing grass this year – on farms, in gardens, in the countryside and in one of the temples of British sport! Here is a snapshot of some of these wonderful grassy places and events… Back in January seed heads of Miscanthus Sinensis Gnome were...
by Sara Gregson | Jun 30, 2014 | Farming & Food
What a terrific grass-growing season it has been in the UK – the mild, wet winter and early spring brought fast and furious growth that was challenging to manage. Very different from last year when it seemed there would never be enough to graze or cut. Over recent...
by Sara Gregson | Jan 17, 2014 | Farming & Food
How encouraging to see grassland farming feature so prominently in three articles in a recent issue of Farmers Weekly (20 December). They were in a section dedicated to sustainable livestock production. Sheep on just grass Northumberland sheep farmer Duncan Nellis is...
by Sara Gregson | Jan 6, 2014 | Farming & Food
Listen to Sara explain why she is so passionate about the role of grass in farming during a radio interview for Tasmanian Country Hour. (Sara’s interview is about 20 minutes into the programme – after the shale oil and gas story.) Tasmanian Country Hour...
by Sara Gregson | Nov 14, 2013 | Farming & Food
It takes a brave man to sow half his cropping area down to herbal leys all in one go. But Tim May, managing director of the 1,000ha Kingsclere Estate, has done just that – in the firm belief this is the economically and environmentally sustainable path his business...
by Sara Gregson | Nov 12, 2013 | Farming & Food
When I was in NZ six years ago – I saw a T-shirt that proclaimed that ‘The grass grows greener in New Zealand’ – something I think farmers in Ireland, Northern Ireland, Wales, Scotland and the western half of England might dispute! However, flicking through my photos...