by Sara Gregson | Nov 14, 2013 | Farming & Food
It takes a brave man to sow half his cropping area down to herbal leys all in one go. But Tim May, managing director of the 1,000ha Kingsclere Estate, has done just that – in the firm belief this is the economically and environmentally sustainable path his business...
by Sara Gregson | Nov 12, 2013 | Farming & Food
When I was in NZ six years ago – I saw a T-shirt that proclaimed that ‘The grass grows greener in New Zealand’ – something I think farmers in Ireland, Northern Ireland, Wales, Scotland and the western half of England might dispute! However, flicking through my photos...
by Sara Gregson | Aug 9, 2013 | Gardening & Environment
I’ve just listened to Quentin Letts in his fascinating BBC Radio 4 series ‘What’s the Point of…’ This week he was digging deep to find out why the British are obsessed with lawns. He actually concluded that there’s quite a lot of points, like they: provide a...